Wednesday, July 11, 2007 is going blog

Well, after my buddy Damian Fulmer showed me the wonder and magic of blogger I've decided to follow his footsteps and port all the content from the old to a blog based template. This will allow me to update the site much easier and gives me lots of bennifits like RSS (which you can utilize if you really want to keep ontop of my work, yeah right), a simple and familiar layout, and I can offload all the bandwidth from my host server (thanks Jake) to resources like YouTube and Flickr.

Unfortuately I do give up some quality in my videos by going the YouTube route, but since I am an animator and storyteller at heart, I really shouldnt care as much about how it "looks" but rather how easily acccessed it is. YouTube allows me to not have to worry about player compatability and I get to see how many hits a video gets and if anyone has any comments on it.

I still have a hard time imagining anyone would be checking in on my site to see what I've been up to. I really doubt anyone will even care enough to finish reading this post. If you are reading this, let me know by leaving a comment and I'll stand corrected! It is appreciated, and I hope you enjoy some of the content on this blog.

Thanks for stopping by! Keep in touch!